Today’s Bible verse of the day is Mark 12:33. Let’s explore this verse with some Bible journaling prompts and ideas to help us understand the meaning of this verse as it relates to our life.
Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus, your command it to love God and love my neighbor as myself. I consider you to be the embodiment of the Father. Help me to know God through knowing you. Help me to understand how to love God by experiencing your love for me through your sacrifice on the cross, and through the love I feel for you.
15 Bible Prompts for Mark 12:33
- Do I love God with all my heart?
- If not, what’s stopping me?
- Do I love my neighbor as myself?
- If not, what’s stopping me?
- What is one way I can practice loving God?
- What is one way I can practice loving my neighbor?
- What does it mean to love God with all my soul?
- Do I love God with all my soul?
- If not, what prevents me from doing so?
- What does it mean to love God with all my strength?
- Do I love God with all my strength?
- If not, what gets in the way?
- Why is it an important statement that loving God and your neighbor is worth more than all the burnt offerings and sacrifices?
- How does loving others bring me closer to the Kingdom of Heaven?
- How does loving God bring me closer to the Kingdom of Heaven?
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