Interested in Christian meditation? Christ Lives in You offers a variety of guided meditations based on Biblical scripture and of varying length, including 5-minute meditations, 10-minute meditations, 15-minute meditations, and 20-minute meditations.

Love Your Enemies Guided Meditation on Matthew 5:44
This guided meditation focuses on Matthew 5:44, love your enemies. We’ll meditate on loving our enemies.

Guided Meditation: Love Him With All Your Heart
We offer this guided meditation on Mark 12:33. May this practice bring you an experience of Christ Jesus’ love and guide you in an understanding

Abide in My Love – John 15:9
In this 5-minute meditation, we’ll focus on the words in John 15:9, abide in my love.

Love is Patient Guided Meditation
Today’s meditation is on 1 Corinthians 13:4. In this meditation, we’ll explore love is patient, love is kind and how we can apply this scripture to our day.

5-minute Guided Meditation: Love One Another
Today’s Christian guided meditation is on John 15:12. We will explore the love Jesus has for us as a source of inspiration for sharing love

Perfect Love Meditation – No Fear! 5 Minutes
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