In today’s Bible verse of the day, 1 Corinthians 13:4 we’re exploring the qualities of love.

Opening Prayer
Lord, I seek to better understand you through the words Paul is sharing. I open myself to the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit, that I may come to understand the meaning of 1 Corinthians 13:4 for my life.
33 Prompts for Bible Journaling
If you need some ideas for journaling, you’ve come to the right place. Any of these questions can help get you started on your Bible journaling practice on 1 Corinthians 13:4. If the Holy Spirit guides you to other questions or inquiries, allow it to lead the way!
- What does patience look like in your life?
- What does kindness look like in your life?
- Can you think of a time when kindness looks different from “being nice?” For example, is it kind to let your kids eat candy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner when they ask for it?
- What kind of boundaries should we maintain in order to be kind to ourselves and others?
- What happens when we experience a conflict between being kind to one person but at the expense of another? How do we resolve this conflict?
- Has someone ever taken advantage of your kindness? How did that feel? What did you do? What would you have liked to have done?
- How do we be kind to others without people taking advantage of us, or breaking our boundaries in unhealthy ways?
- Do I envy others?
- Who do I envy?
- How can I free myself from envy?
- What needs to shift within my own perception in order to be free from envy?
- How can I ask God to help free my from envy?
- Am I open to God’s help?
- Do I think that God needs to do all the work for me or that I’m not responsible for my own change?
- Do I boast?
- Does it feel good to boast?
- When I boast, what need am I serving?
- What are some other ways I can fulfill that need?
- How does boasting affect my experience of love?
- Am I prideful?
- How does the experience of pride affect my experience of love?
- What is one way I can show patience to my family today?
- What is one way I can show patience to my spouse today?
- What is one way I can show patience to my children today?
- What is one way I can show patience to a friend today?
- What is one way I can show patience to a coworker today?
- What is one way I can show patience to a stranger today?
- What is one way I can show kindness to my family today?
- What is one way I can show kindness to my spouse today?
- What is one way I can show kindness to my children today?
- What is one way I can show kindness to a friend today?
- What is one way I can show kindness to a coworker today?
- What is one way I can show kindness to a stranger today?